When and why to consult the speech therapist?
If your children manifest speech difficulties, the causes may be many and, in some cases, such difficulties may be the manifestation of pathologies of varying severity. However, in most cases, the child has nothing.
Recognizing Specific Language Disorder (SLD) in children
In these cases, the pediatrician tends to declare the children as perfectly healthy, but if you experience some of these signs, it is important to pay close attention:
- presents a language stunted or poorly communicative
- can only interact with parents and not with peers
- pronounces some letters and not others
In all these cases we speak of Specific Language Disorder, 3 to 5 years of age. Specific precisely because it is not associated with pathology of any kind.

The automatic nature of language acquisition
Language skills are skills that the child acquires in an automatically e unconsciously, from the very first interactions with mother.
These skills are then implemented and enriched through play, the sharing, relationship with others (adults and others). It may therefore happen that in the time span from birth to the first 4/5 years of age something, so to speak, goes wrong.
The risk of reading-writing disorders
A child with language problems will surely, as he or she grows up, still be able to develop a functional communication, however the scientific literature teaches us that these children are subjects at risk of difficulties in reading-writing which could then affect the school career future.

Evolution of DSL into Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)
A language difficulty that is not properly treated can lead, in the vast majority of cases, to problems in acquiring the reading and writing, called Specific Learning Disorders (SADs) a oart from age 6 onward.. They manifest as slowness e poor accuracy
- in reading (Dyslexia)
- in writing (Dysorthography and Dysgraphia)
- in numeracy skills (Dyscalculia).
These difficulties are such that make it almost impossible for the child to evolve with respect to the child's registry age and grade
Importance of Early Speech Therapy Intervention
Intervening early on language skills is essential to prevent learning problems. Logopedic evaluation and treatment help consolidate the foundations of oral and written communication, simplifying the learning of reading and writing.
The long-term benefit
Effective speech therapy support can make a difference in the school career of the child, enabling an appropriate relationship with peers and good academic performance, which will positively influence his or her entire future life.